Taking your ATV out for some adventures is more fun when you have the right equipment for the terrain you will be taking on. Tires play a big role in this. In the United States, the Rocky Mountains are perhaps the best choice if you want to take on a serious mountain adventure. Selecting the right tires will help you ...

Riding electric scooters can be a fun experience, but you’re always at risk of getting injured – especially as you increase your speed. This is a real problem because hospitalizations due to electric scooter related incidents have been on the rise. In most cases, it is safe to assume that the riders were partially at fault. Although you can’t control ...

The Hyundai Tucson is a mid-sized SUV that faces stiff competition from the likes of Mazda CX-5, Nissan X-Trail, and the Toyota RAV4 – but it packs quite a punch in terms of performance and style.  It comes with AWD and FWD options. The FWD trim runs on 2.0 litre petrol while the AWD trim utilizes a powerful 1.6 turbo-petrol ...

A comprehensive bike insurance policy covers a lot more as compared to a third-party insurance cover. However extensive, there a few things that are not covered in the basic comprehensive insurance policy and need to be insured by availing of the various add-ons that an insurance company provides.  Bike consumables are one of such add-ons and need to be manually ...